Kawalis | Cinema, Television & Theater from the Arab World

Making Sanctity | Ahd Kamel

Episode Notes

Ahd spoke about her film, "Sanctity."

Ahd Kamel is an actress, filmmaker from Saudi Arabia. She is most well known for her starring role in “Wadjda” (2012) which is Saudi Arabia’s first feature film. She is multi-lingual and speaks English fluently. She launched her film career in 2005 with a string of internationally successful short films, all three of which have won festival awards. Kamel moved to New York City in 1998 to study law at Columbia University, then completed her BFA in Animation & Communication from Parsons School of Design, after which, she further diversified her education, obtaining a directing degree from the New York Film Academy. Still not satiated, Kamel then went on to study acting under the personal tutelage of William Esper at the Esper Studio. Her first lead role earned her the Golden Gate Award for Best Actress at the San Francisco International Film Festival. “La Sainteté”, her 2nd directorial short, in which she also starred, received a Golden Bear nomination at the Berlinale in 2013 and won the Golden Aleph at the Beirut International Film Festival in 2013. Her move into the world of English-language features began with a position as technical adviser on Peter Berg's “The Kingdom”. Kamel was presented with a Cloeween Connection Award from Spike Lee, by the Abu Dhabi Authority of Culture and Heritage as an emerging Arab filmmaker.

Created & hosted by Mikey Muhanna, afikra 

Edited by: Ramzi Ramman

Theme music by: Tarek Yamani https://www.instagram.com/tarek_yamani/

About Movie Night: 

Movie Night is an interview series that calls for afikra community members who are interested in movies and films to spend time watching along with the entire community. Movies will be announced on afikra’s watching list. This interview series will host filmmakers and actors who are featured in the announced movie. Community members will be asked to watch the film on online streaming platforms or online film festivals before the series and join the conversation with the creators of the film. Movie Night is an opportunity for members to ask questions about the plot, behind the scenes, themes, and information about the movie.Following the interview, there is a moderated town-hall-style Q&A with questions coming from the live virtual audience ‎on Zoom.‎ Join the live audience: https://www.afikra.com/rsvp   


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About afikra:‎

afikra is a movement to convert passive interest in the Arab world to active intellectual curiosity. We aim to collectively reframe the dominant narrative of the region by exploring the histories and cultures of the region- past, present, and future - through conversations driven by curiosity. 
Read more about us on  afikra.com